
class dawdreamer.RenderEngine

A Render Engine loads and runs a graph of audio processors.

__init__(self: dawdreamer.RenderEngine, sample_rate: float, block_size: int) None


__init__(self, sample_rate, block_size)

get_audio(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

load_graph(self, dag)

Load a directed acyclic graph of processors.

make_add_processor(self, name[, gain_levels])

Make an Add Processor with an optional list of gain levels

make_compressor_processor(self, name[, ...])

Make a Compressor Processor

make_delay_processor(self, name[, rule, ...])

Make a Delay Processor

make_faust_processor(self, name)

Make a FAUST Processor

make_filter_processor(self, name[, mode, ...])

Make a Filter Processor

make_oscillator_processor(self, name, frequency)

Make an Oscillator Processor

make_panner_processor(self, name[, rule, pan])

Make a Panner Processor

make_playback_processor(self, name, data)

Make a Playback Processor

make_playbackwarp_processor(self, name, data, *)

Make a Playback Processor that can do time-stretching and pitch-shifting.

make_plugin_processor(self, name, plugin_path)

Make a Plugin Processor

make_reverb_processor(self, name[, ...])

Make a Reverb Processor

make_sampler_processor(self, name, data)

Make a Sampler Processor with audio data to be used as the sample.

remove_processor(self, name)

Remove a processor based on its unique name.

render(self, duration, *[, beats])

Render the most recently loaded graph.

set_bpm(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.