boxAND ([box1, box2])
boxARightShift ([box1, box2])
boxAbs ([box1])
boxAcos ([box1])
boxAdd ([box1, box2])
boxAsin ([box1])
boxAtan ([box1])
boxAtan2 ([box1, box2])
boxAttach ([box1, box2])
boxBinOp (op[, x, y])
boxBufferSize ()
Return a box representing the buffer size (also known as block size), such as 1, 2, 4, 8, etc. |
boxButton (label)
boxCeil ([box1])
boxCheckbox (label)
boxCos ([box1])
boxCut ()
boxDelay ([box1, box2])
Create a delayed box. |
boxDiv ([box1, box2])
boxEQ ([box1, box2])
boxExp ([box1])
boxExp10 ([box1])
boxFConst (type, name, file)
boxFFun (type, names, arg_types, inc_file, ...)
Return a foreign function box. |
boxFVar (type, name, file)
boxFloatCast ([box1])
boxFloor ([box1])
boxFmod ([box1, box2])
boxFromDSP (dsp_code[, argv])
Convert Faust DSP code to a Box. |
boxGE ([box1, box2])
boxGT ([box1, box2])
boxHBargraph (label, min, max, step)
boxHGroup (label, box)
Create an hgroup. |
boxHSlider (label, init, min, max, step)
Create a horizontal slider. |
boxInt (val)
boxIntCast ([box1])
boxLE ([box1, box2])
boxLRightShift ([box1, box2])
boxLT ([box1, box2])
boxLeftShift ([box1, box2])
boxLog ([box1])
boxLog10 ([box1])
boxMax ([box1, box2])
boxMerge (box1, box2)
The merge composition (e.g., A:>B) is the dual of the split composition. |
boxMin ([box1, box2])
boxMul ([box1, box2])
boxNE ([box1, box2])
boxNumEntry (label, init, min, max, step)
Create a numerical entry. |
boxOR ([box1, box2])
boxPar (box1, box2)
The parallel composition of two blocks (e.g., A,B). |
boxPar3 (box1, box2, box3)
The parallel composition of three blocks (e.g., A,B,C). |
boxPar4 (box1, box2, box3, box4)
The parallel composition of four blocks (e.g., A,B,C,D). |
boxPar5 (box1, box2, box3, box4, box5)
The parallel composition of five blocks (e.g., A,B,C,D,E). |
boxPow ([box1, box2])
boxReadOnlyTable ([n, init, ridx])
boxReal (val)
boxRec (box1, box2)
The recursive composition (e.g., A~B) is used to create cycles in the block-diagram in order to express recursive computations. |
boxRem ([box1, box2])
boxRemainder ([box1, box2])
boxRint ([box1])
boxRound ([box1])
boxRoute (box_n, box_m, box_r)
The route primitive facilitates the routing of signals in Faust. |
boxSampleRate ()
Return a box representing the constant sample rate, such as 44100. |
boxSelect2 ([selector, box1, box2])
boxSelect3 ([selector, box1, box2, box3])
boxSeq (box1, box2)
The sequential composition of two blocks (e.g., A:B) expects: outputs(A)=inputs(B) |
boxSin ([box1])
boxSoundfile (filepath, chan[, part, ridx])
Create a soundfile from a path and channel count. |
boxSplit (box1, box2)
The split composition (e.g., A<:B) operator is used to distribute the outputs of A to the inputs of B. |
boxSqrt ([box1])
boxSub ([box1, box2])
boxTGroup (label, box)
Create a tgroup. |
boxTan ([box1])
boxToSignals (box)
Convert a box to a list of signals. |
boxToSource (box, language, class_name[, argv])
Turn a box into source code in a target language such as "cpp". |
boxVBargraph (label, min, max, step)
boxVGroup (label, box)
Create a vgroup. |
boxVSlider (label, init, min, max, step)
Create a vertical slider. |
boxWaveform (vals)
Create a waveform from a list of values. |
boxWire ()
boxWriteReadTable ([n, init, widx, wsig, ridx])
boxXOR ([box1, box2])
getDefNameProperty (box)
Return a tuple of (bool, Box). |
getUserData (box)
isBoxAbstr (box)
isBoxAccess (box)
isBoxAppl (box_t)
isBoxButton (box)
isBoxCase (box)
isBoxCheckbox (box)
isBoxComponent (box)
isBoxCut (box)
isBoxEnvironment (box)
isBoxError (box)
isBoxFConst (box)
isBoxFFun (box)
isBoxFVar (box)
isBoxHBargraph (box)
isBoxHGroup (box)
isBoxHSlider (box)
isBoxIPar (box)
isBoxIProd (box)
isBoxISeq (box)
isBoxISum (box)
isBoxIdent (box)
isBoxInputs (box)
isBoxInt (box)
isBoxLibrary (box)
isBoxMerge (box)
isBoxMetadata (box)
isBoxNil (box)
isBoxNumEntry (box)
isBoxOutputs (box)
isBoxPar (box)
isBoxPrim0 (box)
isBoxPrim1 (box)
isBoxPrim2 (box)
isBoxPrim3 (box)
isBoxPrim4 (box)
isBoxPrim5 (box)
isBoxReal (box)
isBoxRec (box)
isBoxRoute (box)
isBoxSeq (box)
isBoxSlot (box)
isBoxSoundfile (box)
isBoxSplit (box)
isBoxSymbolic (box)
isBoxTGroup (box)
isBoxVBargraph (box)
isBoxVGroup (box)
isBoxVSlider (box)
isBoxWaveform (box)
isBoxWire (box)
isBoxWithLocalDef (box)